Magic – The broadest Value Proposition thinkable?

From: Hannes Rothe @ Google+
February 25, 2015 at 02:42PM

Typically we think about „focus, focus, focus“ when it comes to the creation of value propositions (following #leanstartup  and #designthinking ). We develop personas, speak to our potential customer base etc. But now a new startup takes the exact opposite approach: Can a value proposition become even more generic?

We do anything, anytime (in the US, as long as its legal) #magic (

It already created quite a lot of attention in the TwitterSphere and Reddit County. Every tech news page is eager to write a report about it. As a result, you’d be No. 15.000 on the waiting list, if you’d try it right now.

see also

Lazy people of the Internet, your time has come.