Archiv für den Monat: Februar 2013

imagine the possibilities if you had that at home or at your work place….

imagine the possibilities if you had that at home or at your work place….

Reshared post from +Anja Austermann

This is a really cool idea, implemented by the Human-Computer Interaction group at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany. The group used a laser cutter to produce 3D objects in a fraction of the time of "traditional" 3D printing. (… using the word "traditional" in connection with 3D printing sounds really weird… 😉 )

Apparently there will be a paper about it in this year's CHI conference… :) Too bad, I won't be there. I'd love to learn more about how they built the system and what it can do. 

Here's their website with some more details:

Post imported by Google+Blog for WordPress.

Dann habe ich ja noch etwas mehr Lesestoff für die Zugfahrt


Reshared post from +WI2013

Proceedings der WI2013 veröffentlicht
Das Ergebnis der Forschungsarbeit vieler Kollegen steht jetzt als Proceedings der WI2013 in zwei Bänden auf unserer Webseite im Bereich  „Tracks" zum Download bereit.

WI 2013: Tracks
WI2013 – 11. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik findet vom 27.02. – 01.03.2013 an der Universität Leipzig statt.

Post imported by Google+Blog for WordPress.

nice plugin to stop worrying about a updates on your blog

 via +Alan Cann 

Reshared post from +Daniel Treadwell

Google+Blog for WordPress 1.3

Google+Blog for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to import your Google+ Public posts (and their comments) as blog posts into your WordPress setup. There is a free version and a paid version ($10), both of which can be found at

Paid users, please update by going to to download. Where 'YourTransactionId' is the number emailed to you.

Warning: This update will require settings to be re-entered, please make note of your current setup before upgrading.

Update Details

– Different profile IDs can now be assigned to individual authors
– Community posts will now be imported
– Post History depth has been increased
– Option to move photos and videos above content
– CSS selector blocks for content, photo, video and article elements to allow custom styling
– A number of bugfixes

To update please deactivate and delete the existing plugin prior to installing this one.


Keep your suggestions coming as they are what guides the development of this plugin. Also be sure to log any bugs you have found with me. Updates will start to slow down a little now as the plugin becomes more stable but be sure to check my posts for the latest news regarding the plugin.


There is an explanation of each of the settings for the plugin in a prior post that can be found here: 

If you think you need a little more help with the plugin +Nancy Messieh  of TheNextWeb wrote up a great post detailing the steps to go through to get things up and running. Check it out here:


If you are experiencing problems with the plugin not working at all, there can be conflicts with other plugins and themes, especially in relation to comments. Message me privately with these issues including the settings you are using as well as any errors you may be receiving and I will do my best to help you get it all up and running.

Thanks for the continued support.

Your reshares are appreciated.

#googleplus #blog #wordpress #googleplusblog

Embedded Link

The Google+ musings of Daniel Treadwell
Google+ Blog Concept – Daniel Treadwell. View your Google+ Posts in the form of a clean and simple blog. Also home of the Google+Blog WordPress plugin.

Post imported by Google+Blog for WordPress.

"Etablierte" Parteien nehmen Nachhilfe bei der +Piratenpartei in Sachen…

"Etablierte" Parteien nehmen Nachhilfe bei der +Piratenpartei in Sachen Transparenz bei Großprojekten…langsam sickern auch die Vorteile durch 😉

Flughafen-Debakel: Nachhilfe für den BER in Sachen Transparenz – Berlin – Tagesspiegel
Die Berliner Piratenpartei veröffentlicht interne Flughafenpapiere und andere Dokumente. Das finden sogar politische Mitbewerber vorbildlich.

Post imported by Google+Blog for WordPress.