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Archiv für den Monat: Mai 2013
Via +Lynn Taylor
Reshared post from +Larry Richman
How to Communicate with Women
Men, you have to watch this. You can do it. It's only 1 minute 41 seconds and you'll learn something.
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Ich war gestern auf dem #startlean (Lean Startup Meetup)
Mehr dazu auch unter
Ich dachte, dass wäre doch eine tolle Plattform für die Videos von +Sandra Schön?
Home | Kiddify
See what kids do around the world… …or make your own tutorials and shows today! Watch video · Register now for Private Beta Invite. ALL YOU NEED IS A CAMERA ! ON KIDDIFY YOU CAN… YES WE DO! …change the world with your ideas and organize campaigns! …show Us how to Cook your favorite dish!
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#l3t 2.0 kündigt sich an uns meine süße Nichte ist dabei
Reshared post from +Martin Ebner
First version of our Community-Video. If you would like to be part of the next version (end of June), just read this:
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"blur all faces" is a really helpful tool when it comes to personal ri…
Reshared post from +Alan Cann
YouTube video editor gets some nice new features
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Maybe something I was looking for
Reshared post from +Daniel Gold
Has anyone else signed up for Mohiomap? It creates mind maps of your Evernote Notebooks and Tags. Reminds me a bit like Bubble Browser, except this is platform agnostic. I'll be honest – it's pretty cool – but I'm intrigued to learn exactly what the use case would be for something like this. What do you all think??
Mohiomap – A Visual Memory for Evernote
Mohiomap provides you with a unique and dynamic experience for visually exploring your Evernote notebooks. Use your browser to see your notebooks in graphs (networks). Mohiomap allows you to see your notebooks in a new light, find hidden relationships, and create a more meaningful experience out of the structures of notes, tags, and notebooks.
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via +Laura Manach

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:D so true…
Reshared post from +Mara Mascaro
Seems legit.

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Google Glass beams your patient information right into the eye of your M.D
Reshared post from +Robyn Peterson
For those who wish they could better remember names and faces, a new demo app for Google Glass now gives you notes on how you know each person.
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