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Blank screen if kid yell too much! #LoL #Geek #NiceAnswer

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Blank screen if kid yell too much! #LoL #Geek #NiceAnswer
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Reshared post from +Guy Kawasaki
I watched this video twice and cried both times.
I'll donate $1 for each public share of this post up to, say, $2,000. Let's bring a little joy into these kids' hearts.
Hat tip to +Chris Brogan
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Reshared post from +Google Analytics
Neat tool from +Visually turns your GA reports into infographicsIt's always fun to view your data in a different way. Check out this tool from to view your reports as an attractive, automated infographic. Direct link is:’s new Google Analytics tool sends you weekly Web metric reports as infographics
We’re big fans of here at TNW, ever since it launched as the home of data visualization and infographics way back in July 2011. The platform has evolved somewhat since …
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Reshared post from +Matthias Heil
Blogwerk: Keep: Wie Google es immer noch schafft zu überraschen. — kluger Artikel!
Keep: Wie Google es immer noch schafft zu überraschen
Google hat ein digitales Notizbuch geschaffen, das vor allem mit dem „digitalen Gedächtnis“ Evernote und To-Do-Listen wie Wunderlist konkurriert. Keep ist einen genauen Blick wert, denn damit trotzt G…
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Reshared post from +Kristian Köhntopp
»"Not connected to the Internet" is not a way of life. It's an error message.«
— +Martin Seeger
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Reshared post from +Courtney Engle Robertson
I like social influence tools as just a baseline number, but am not entirely sold on their significance in precise details. This still could be good for business.
Klout Launches a Business Product — And It’s About Time
Klout is doing something it should have done a long time ago.
The company on Wednesday launched Klout for Business, the company’s first foray into offering a complimentary tool set to brands in order for them to better understand the most influential people talking about specific brands across social networks.
Specifically, Klout will give businesses an analytics dashboard, detailing just how well a company is interacting with the most “influenti…
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Bundestag will faulen Bestandsdaten-Kompromiss durchpeitschen
Bereits am Donnerstag will die Bundesregierung mit Beihilfe der SPD eine eindeutig verfassungswidrige Änderung des Telekommunikationsgesetzes durch den Bundestag peitschen. Es geht um die Zugriffsrec…
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Reshared post from +Dirk Talamasca
#Google #Apps #GoogleKeep #GooglePlayGoogle Keep
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Millions of Amazon Prime members enjoy instant videos, free Kindle books and unlimited free two-day shipping. > Get started. Unlimited Instant Videos; Prime Instant Videos. Unlimited streaming of t…
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Reshared post from +WIRED
The new rules of the hyper-social, data-driven, actor-friendly, super-seductive Platinum Age of Television.
The Nielsen Family Is Dead | Underwire |
From Game of Thrones to the new Arrested Development, television is better than ever. And it’s not just a lucky accident. Turns out that networks and advertisers are using all-new metrics to design hi…
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