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Maybe something I was looking for

I use evernote to summarize literature for my dissertation. This tool may help me to map these papers based on their tags.

Reshared post from +Daniel Gold

Has anyone else signed up for Mohiomap? It creates mind maps of your Evernote Notebooks and Tags. Reminds me a bit like Bubble Browser, except this is platform agnostic. I'll be honest – it's pretty cool  – but I'm intrigued to learn exactly what the use case would be for something like this. What do you all think??

Mohiomap – A Visual Memory for Evernote
Mohiomap provides you with a unique and dynamic experience for visually exploring your Evernote notebooks. Use your browser to see your notebooks in graphs (networks). Mohiomap allows you to see your notebooks in a new light, find hidden relationships, and create a more meaningful experience out of the structures of notes, tags, and notebooks.

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Reshared post from +Tagesschau

Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat ein möglicherweise wegweisendes Urteil gegen den Internet-Konzern Google gesprochen.

BGH: Google verliert Prozess zu Autocomplete-Vorschlägen
Google hat vor dem BGH einen wichtigen Prozess verloren. Die Richter gaben einem Kläger recht, der seine Persönlichkeitsrechte durch die Autocomplete-Vorschläge der Suchmaschine verletzt sah. Google müsse prüfen, ob ein inhaltlicher Zusammenhang bestehe.

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animated infographics…although I love #infographics , there are only few ways…

animated infographics…although I love #infographics , there are only few ways to be manipulated by rarely trustworthy data than by such illustrations. The are really powerful – and with comes great responsibility

Reshared post from +Mirko Lange

Einfach nur genial, was man mit einem animierten Gif als Infografik machen kann! Abgesehen davon, dass das mein Themaist ("Golf" :-) 


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thank you +Christian Kummer 

thank you +Christian Kummer 

Reshared post from +Christian Kummer

How to format your closed-access journal/conference paper before publishing it as open access.

Pre-print manuscript deserves a bit of grooming before being shared
Once your paper was accepted in your favorite high-impact but closed-access journal, you thought that it would be forever prisoner behind a paywall. But think again. Most editors actually do allow …

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