Schlagwort-Archiv: RCT

Evidenzbasierte Lehre trifft sich ja sehr mit meiner Learning Analytics Ebene in…

Evidenzbasierte Lehre trifft sich ja sehr mit meiner Learning Analytics Ebene in Lernservices. Ist der Begriff evtl. aus der Medizin zu vorbelastet?
Ich halte es auf jeden Fall für den richtigen Weg. Die (Hochschul-)Lehre ist viel zu stark von Annahmen geprägt.

Reshared post from +Yishay Mor

+Ben Goldacre calls for #evidencebased   #education , where "evidence" means #randomcontroltrials   ( #RCT ).

I don't categorically object to RCT in education. But this suggestion worries me. It runs the risk of (a) stifling innovation, since most innovators do not have the resources to conduct valid RCT and (b) flattening education to what is measurable in the context of RCTs, which is not a lot.

This kind of for #evidencebased #education, which appears to dominate the US scene, ignores the fact that education is a complex, dynamical system and the fact that the study of education is a design science – not a natural science.

Teachers! What would evidence based practice look like? – Bad Science
I was asked by Michael Gove (Secretary of State for Education) and the Department for Education to look at how to improve the use of evidence in schools. I think there are huge, positive opportunities…

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